1. Ensure that you have created the extension that you wish to use with the phone in your PBX first. Take note of the ID field and the password that you have entered for the extension.
2. Connect the Snom M3 phone to the network and main power supply. The phone will boot up, and providing you have DHCP installed on your network, will obtain an IP and display it at the bottom of the phone’s LCD screen.
3. Now point your browser to the web interface of the phone: 'http://<phone-ip-address>'where is the IP address shown on the phone.
4. Enter the password of the phone and click login to access the phone’s configuration. For this particular phone, the default username to reach administrator mode is "admin" and the default password is "0000"
5. Click on Identity 1' on the left pane under Setup category so you can configure the phone. (Refer to Figure 1)
6. First make sure that ‘Identity active’ under Identity 1 is set to On.
7. In the "Display Name" field enter the name you want to be displayed on the Phone display.
8. Now proceed by entering in the "Account" field which is the extension you want to associate with this phone.
9. Enter a password for the account in the “Password” field. This should match the "Password" you set when creating the extension.
10. In the Registrar field, enter the IP of your PBX server.
11. Repeat the same setting for the Outbound Proxy option.
12. In the "Authentication Username" field enter the authentication ID.
13. Now press "save" to save all changes which is on the bottom of your configuration screen. Your phone will register with the PBX. You can verify that on the Phone System\Line Status page of the 3CX management console.
14. If you want to configure additional lines, please repeat steps 5 to 13 providing that you have additional extensions created on the PBX.
Steve Stoveld